1. Create an account on app.2050-materials.com and contact [email protected] to enable testing access.

  2. Login to app.2050-materails.com and navigate to your account area on the top right corner like shown in the picture below

  3. You should be able to extract your Developer Token under Developer section like shown in the picture below

  4. The above JWT developer token is encrypted and it is personal and should not be shared with others. Please use this Developer token to extract the API token using */getapitoken* endpoint.

    The curl call example is:

    *curl --location '[<https://app.2050-materials.com/developer/api/getapitoken/>](<https://app.2050-materials.com/developer/api/getapitoken/>)' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <Developer Token>'*

    The response will be in the format as shown below,

    *{    "api_token": "<api token for making api calls>",    "refresh_token": "<refresh token for refreshing api_token"}*

  5. Using the above *api_token*, you should be able get the data from the following APIs

*With test user access only 5 products are made available with the APIs and with the rate limit of 100 calls/hour